Belgium Chocolate Cake

Belgium Chocolate Cake

A while back Sydney, DF and I were on vacation, while dining at a favorite restaurant we were offered a piece of chocolate belgium cake. My eyes widened  as my tastebuds danced with delight. The cake was moist rich and almost sinful; I realized Sydney was having the...
Mango Martini, Toast and Welcome Spring

Mango Martini, Toast and Welcome Spring

It is no secret I love Spring and Summer, the longer days, warmer weather, the smell of flowers and neighbors’ BBQ. This past week we have experienced 27 degrees C/ 80 degrees F days. (I hope I haven’t jinxed our good weather fortune). So Sydney and I were...
Spicy Chocolate Caramel-Apple Cups

Spicy Chocolate Caramel-Apple Cups

Tastes like chocolate covered carmel apples This is the fifth year Sydney and I have created Easter Baskets for clients; our chocolate carmel cups are one of top 5 requests for the baskets. This is year we thought we would add a spring to the cups. With the addition...
Gum Paste Roses

Gum Paste Roses

Every once in a while someone or something will become a part of your life that shapes your views or changes you. I have been blessed by such an experience; both Kerry Vincent and Toba Garrett have entered my cake decorating life. I am in awe of their capabilities and...
Noto-Cello Tea

Noto-Cello Tea

I was hosting a late afternoon get-together for some of my sorority sisters and Sydney. With Sydney transferring to D.C. I wanted her to hear how pledging a sorority can give you a family; helping her acclimate to a new and exciting environment. Colorado’s...
Baby Shower Cake, With Egg Yolk Butter Cream

Baby Shower Cake, With Egg Yolk Butter Cream

  On Thursday, February 4th, DF’s product team planned a baby shower for one of their colleagues, Stephanie.  They asked DF if Sydney and I would bake some special treats. Unbeknownst to the team, Stephanie had her weekly doctor’s exam as they sent a...
Rich Double Chocolate Cupcakes, a Treat for Tebow

Rich Double Chocolate Cupcakes, a Treat for Tebow

Being from Colorado everyone here has fallen in love with Tim Tebow; Sydney and I thought it might be fun to create a fusion of Valentine’s Day and Tim Tebow. The end result is a rich buttermilk chocolate cupcake with an even richer chocolate icing. I must admit...
Happy Chanukah Marble Bark

Happy Chanukah Marble Bark

For eight nights the celebration of Chanukah will last, each night a special prayer will be said as the candles are lit. There are total of nine candles, the Shamash is to light the eight candles  known as the festival of lights, beginning on the 25th day of the...
The Sweet and Savory Sides of Life

The Sweet and Savory Sides of Life

In between the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it is sometimes hard to step back and take a breath. Remember what this time of year is really for: hope and bringing hope to others. Sydney and I try to seek the crustiest person of our day and make them smile;...
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