by bobbiebakes | May 16, 2020 | Cookies and brownies, Cookies-Tutorials, Home, Royal icing Art, Videos
This Beauty and Beast Cookie Art is Master Course were I show you how create a Royal Icing Sculptured Cookie hand painted with food paste!. Belle’s gorgeous gown glowing yellow with hues cry out to be painted. However have you struggled to paint yellows?...
by bobbiebakes | Mar 30, 2020 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Home, Royal icing Art, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Tutorials, Videos
Beginner Level: Dimensional Watercolor Cartoon Cookie Art | Pressure Piping Class is designed anyone at any level. Join Bobbie at 5ᵗʰ Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Olivia Picking Olives Cookie Art Course, is a part of watercolor cartoon painting designed to teach how to...
by bobbiebakes | Mar 2, 2020 | Freehand Painted, Home, Royal icing Art, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Uncategorized, Videos
This course is for everyone regardless of experience in cookie art or painting! You will learn Bobbie’s Method of Cartoon Cookie Art! This course is awesome for learning color mixing for realistic hues and tones, brush techniques, paint consistencies, practicing brush...
by bobbiebakes | Feb 19, 2020 | Home, Royal icing Art, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Uncategorized, Videos
Advance Level: Birds and Blossoms Cookie Art Lesson is my cure to spring fever! This cookie is a great exercise is both building dimension, texture, movement, and realism with royal icing as well as painting dimension, texture, movement, and realism using edible food...
by bobbiebakes | Feb 6, 2020 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Home, Royal icing Art, Tutorials, Videos
Beginner Level: Meet Sweet Ella Elephant I Love You Tons Cookie Art! This a Beginner lesson, since there aren’t too many hues involved you can really focus in on the crucial tone. Bobbie’s basic principles of cookie decorating can be applied to any...
by bobbiebakes | Jan 19, 2020 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Videos
This is a compilation of some of my favorite cookie art courses and lessons offered at 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy. Each course has a new element, method, and/or secret. The best place to start your journey is at the workshop page, where you will find a plethora of...
by bobbiebakes | Dec 9, 2019 | Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Uncategorized, Videos
Intermediate/Advance Level: This lesson may give you a craving! Bobbie is about to tantalizing your taste buds with this, intermediate/advance level, Scrumptious Christmas Cupcake Cookie Art Course! Each element of the cupcake, (the sponge, icing, and paper casing is...
by bobbiebakes | Nov 27, 2019 | Home, Royal icing Art, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Videos
Intermediate Level: Dimensional Watercolor Red Robin Playing Santa Cookie Art Class is an intermediate condensed version of full course at 5ᵗʰ Avenue’s Cookie Art Academy. Meet my new friend Royce the Red Robin, he decided to play Santa this Christmas! This is...
by bobbiebakes | Nov 19, 2019 | Cookies-Tutorials, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Videos
This Charmed Cookie Lesson is filled with loads of advanced techniques: we will learn to achieve two types of fabric folds, sculpting with our royal icing, painting shiny leather boots and eyes, painting transparent black stockings, painting a satin finish, painting a...
by bobbiebakes | Oct 29, 2019 | Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Videos
When I was a young girl I would spend almost every weekend at my grandparents, my grandma was an amazing artist! She would patiently allow me to explore each of her sculptures and paintings, as she sweet explained how each piece was created. It wasn’t until years...
by bobbiebakes | Oct 21, 2019 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Freehand Painted, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Videos
I have designed a few of my most popular Halloween Cookie Art Courses and Lessons for this compilation! In order to aid you in creating amazingly stunning Halloween Cookie Art! You will discover how to create adorable, creepy, and fun cookie art with the help of my...
by bobbiebakes | Oct 9, 2019 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Videos
Advance Level: Dimensional Watercolor Maddie and Sister Cookie Art class is an advance mini version of Course at 5ᵗʰ Avenue’s Cookie Art Academy First Bobbie will walk throughly through using the correct consistencies of royal icing whilst controling your...
by bobbiebakes | Sep 25, 2019 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Cookies-Tutorials, Freehand Painted, Home, Recipes, Royal icing Art, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Tutorials, Videos
Intermediate/Advance Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Class is a condensed version of the full a intermediate bordering on advance watercolor course at 5ᵗʰ Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Bobbie recommends you take a few intermediate course before you dive...
by bobbiebakes | Sep 17, 2019 | Freehand Painted, Home, Royal icing Art, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Videos
The Reluctant Dragon is inspired by Bobbie’s favorite childhood book, written by Kenneth Grahame in 1938, and made into a movie by RKO in 1948! “The Reluctant Dragon is a charming tale about a shy, peaceful dragon who must overcome stereotypes to be...
by bobbiebakes | Aug 26, 2019 | Home, Royal icing Art, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Tutorials
Pro/Master Level: Off to School We Go is a fantasy cookie art course that was inspired by the movie ” The Wizard of Oz”. The school girl, is walking through the enchanted forest to get to school! This is fairly long project; therefore Bobbie decide focus...
by bobbiebakes | Aug 1, 2019 | Freehand Painted, Home, Royal icing Art, Sugar Art-Tutorials, Tutorials, Videos
Intermediate Level: Dimensional Watercolor Back to School Cookie Art | Portrait of Student all about creating dimension with our royal icing, using the correct consistency, is germane for practicing controlling the amount of pressure you applied to your tipless bag....
by bobbiebakes | Jul 13, 2019 | 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Cookies-Tutorials, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Videos
It’s never too early for #IncredibleEdibleCookieArt Christmas Inspiration! Give yourself the gift of becoming apart of 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy. So many cookie artist think it is impossible to create realistic dimensional hand painted cookies, bu tI am here to...
by bobbiebakes | Jun 30, 2019 | Cookies-Tutorials, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Tutorials, Videos
I put together some of my favorite Baby Shower and Nursery #IncredibleEdibleCookieArt in this Compilation video! You too can make dimensional hand painted cookie art, with my fool proof method at #5thAvenuesCookieArtAcedemy! All courses, recipes, and designs are...
by bobbiebakes | Jun 20, 2019 | Cookies-Tutorials, Home, Royal icing Art, Royal Icing Transfers, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Tutorials, Videos
Always Learning,I was Once a Beginner Too | Compilation Video Bobbie’s shares her artful cookie journey through the the last fourteen years; experimenting with a plethora of techniques, and cookie decorating mediums to develop her signature format of teaching...
by bobbiebakes | Jun 12, 2019 | Cookies-Tutorials, Freehand Painted, Home, Royal icing Art, Shop 5th Avenue Online Cookie Decorating School, Tutorials, Videos
Pro Level: Dimensional Watercolor Portrait Cookie Art is pro course, you will need high levels of concentration with so much detail, therefore Bobbie does recommend you don’t try this one until you have completed several advanced level course. The moment Bobbie...