Dimensional Watercolor Cartoon Cookie Art | Pressure Piping Class 🧺🍃💞

Dimensional Watercolor Cartoon Cookie Art | Pressure Piping Class 🧺🍃💞

Beginner Level: Dimensional Watercolor Cartoon Cookie Art | Pressure Piping Class is designed anyone at any level. Join Bobbie at 5ᵗʰ Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Olivia Picking Olives Cookie Art Course, is a part of watercolor cartoon painting designed to teach how to...
5th Avenues Cookie Art Academy’s Valentine’ Day Compilation 🌸🌹💞

5th Avenues Cookie Art Academy’s Valentine’ Day Compilation 🌸🌹💞

This is a compilation of some of my favorite cookie art courses and lessons offered at 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy. Each course has a new element, method, and/or secret. The best place to start your journey is at the workshop page, where you will find a plethora of...
A Charmed Cookie Art Lesson ❄️🖌️🎨

A Charmed Cookie Art Lesson ❄️🖌️🎨

This Charmed Cookie Lesson is filled with loads of advanced techniques: we will learn to achieve two types of fabric folds, sculpting with our royal icing, painting shiny leather boots and eyes, painting transparent black stockings, painting a satin finish, painting a...
Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Lesson 🎃🧙‍♀️🧹

Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Lesson 🎃🧙‍♀️🧹

Intermediate/Advance Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Class is a condensed version of the full a intermediate bordering on advance watercolor course at 5ᵗʰ Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Bobbie recommends you take  a few intermediate course before you dive...
Magical Christmas Cookie Art Contemplation 🎄🦌🕯️

Magical Christmas Cookie Art Contemplation 🎄🦌🕯️

It’s never too early for #IncredibleEdibleCookieArt Christmas Inspiration! Give yourself the gift of becoming apart of 5th Avenue Cookie Art Academy. So many cookie artist think it is impossible to create realistic dimensional hand painted cookies, bu tI am here to...
Always Learning, I was Once a Beginner Too, a  Compilation Video 🤗😘☺️

Always Learning, I was Once a Beginner Too, a Compilation Video 🤗😘☺️

Always Learning,I was Once a Beginner Too | Compilation Video Bobbie’s shares her  artful cookie journey through the the last fourteen years; experimenting with a plethora of techniques, and cookie decorating mediums to develop her signature format of teaching...
5ᵗʰ Avenue’s An Age of Innocence Portrait Cookie Art Lesson 💕 😇💕

5ᵗʰ Avenue’s An Age of Innocence Portrait Cookie Art Lesson 💕 😇💕

Pro Level: Dimensional Watercolor Portrait Cookie Art is pro course, you will need high levels of concentration with so much detail, therefore Bobbie does recommend you don’t try this one until you have completed several advanced level course. The moment Bobbie...
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