Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Lesson 🎃🧙‍♀️🧹

Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Lesson 🎃🧙‍♀️🧹

Intermediate/Advance Dimensional Watercolor Witchy Fun Cookie Art Class is a condensed version of the full a intermediate bordering on advance watercolor course at 5ᵗʰ Avenue Cookie Art Academy, Bobbie recommends you take  a few intermediate course before you dive...
Dimensional Watercolor Athena the Goddess of War Cookie Art lesson ⚔️🦉

Dimensional Watercolor Athena the Goddess of War Cookie Art lesson ⚔️🦉

Pro Level: 5ᵗʰ Avenue’s Dimensional Watercolor Athena the Goddess of War Cookie Art Course is one of Bobbie’s Signature Cookie Art Pieces; when the very detailed cookie was completed, Bobbie had several requests for  a course of Athena the Goddess of War Cookie...
Always Learning, I was Once a Beginner Too, a  Compilation Video 🤗😘☺️

Always Learning, I was Once a Beginner Too, a Compilation Video 🤗😘☺️

Always Learning,I was Once a Beginner Too | Compilation Video Bobbie’s shares her  artful cookie journey through the the last fourteen years; experimenting with a plethora of techniques, and cookie decorating mediums to develop her signature format of teaching...
5ᵗʰ Avenue’s An Age of Innocence Portrait Cookie Art Lesson 💕 😇💕

5ᵗʰ Avenue’s An Age of Innocence Portrait Cookie Art Lesson 💕 😇💕

Pro Level: Dimensional Watercolor Portrait Cookie Art is pro course, you will need high levels of concentration with so much detail, therefore Bobbie does recommend you don’t try this one until you have completed several advanced level course. The moment Bobbie...
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