Creepy Crawling Halloween Truffle Creatures

Creepy Crawling Halloween Truffle Creatures

I am going to take a moment to show you what I woke up to this morning, and due to the drastic drop in the barometric pressure I have a migraine. Thank goodness chocolate has caffeine and caffeine helps migraines…guess what I am snacking on… While dipping...
Bewitching Dulce de Leche, Brush Embroidered Cupcakes

Sunday Round-Up, A Preview

Welcome to Sydney and Bobbie’s Sunday Round-Up. What is Sunday Round-Up? It is a preview to all the delicious treats we are going to post throughout this week. This is what will be happening at Bobbie’s Baking Blog this coming week: Chocolate handmade...
Wicked Boolicious Chocolate Cup

Wicked Boolicious Chocolate Cup

Rum Caramel Cups have to be the most sought after dessert in our household; Sydney knows if she doesn’t count her half and hide them in the refrigerator DF will eat the entire batch. We generally have them throughout the year, but during the holidays, especially...
Sugar Cookies, Baked This Way- Part 1

Sugar Cookies, Baked This Way- Part 1

In the kitchen, baker always working on something, till I talked to Sydney and she said “bake this way.” She said “you haven’t tasted anything till you taste my sugar cookies.” Than your sure to be changing your dough. So I tried her...


I just love Halloween; and why not?  What other time can you knock on a door and be treated with a sweet goody? Of course it really is not as safe as it was when I was little, in fact Sydney only ever “trick or treated” with friends in our neighborhood or...
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