Our Candy Recipes

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Happy Chanukah Marble Bark

Happy Chanukah Marble Bark

For eight nights the celebration of Chanukah will last, each night a special prayer will be said as the candles are lit. There are total of nine candles, the Shamash is to light the eight candles  known as the festival of lights, beginning on the 25th day of the...

I am Sending Cranberry-Pomegranate Meringue Kisses

I am Sending Cranberry-Pomegranate Meringue Kisses

I planned to write a journey of DF's birthday week of treats, however last evening we spent the night, as a family, talking and catching-up long after the meal ended. I wanted the night to remain special to DF; I tend to be a workaholic (as is DF). Lately I observed...

Creepy Crawling Halloween Truffle Creatures

Creepy Crawling Halloween Truffle Creatures

I am going to take a moment to show you what I woke up to this morning, and due to the drastic drop in the barometric pressure I have a migraine. Thank goodness chocolate has caffeine and caffeine helps migraines...guess what I am snacking on... While dipping the the...

Holiday Black and White Bark, Sweet We Have Snow Too

Holiday Black and White Bark, Sweet We Have Snow Too

Holiday time is filled with glistening lights, beautifully decorated towns, and inviting city streets. It also happens to be the time Sydney and I raise the baking bar; it is the time of year we spend hours upon hours designing exquisite desserts that challenge the...

Thanksgiving Countdown, Candied Spicy Nuts

Thanksgiving Countdown, Candied Spicy Nuts

Many years ago, about fifteen to be precise, Sydney and I began preparing a special treat bag to hand out to our family and friends that have joined us in our Thanksgiving celebration. I love the look in each person's eyes when they realize Sydney and I have carefully...

Trick or Treat, These Gift Bags are For You

Trick or Treat, These Gift Bags are For You

As the Halloween weekend approaches and all the little princesses, snow whites, Elmos, batmans, princes, and Lighting Mcqueens costumes are hanging in anticipation for the one night, the cute children/ or grown-ups still wanting to be a child are encouraged to ask for...

The Halloween Count Down, Homemade Chocolate Candies

The Halloween Count Down, Homemade Chocolate Candies

  "What a week I'm having" and it is only Monday. I had my entire week organized in order to have all my last minute Halloween treats finished and delivered (plus the DMBLGIT). The day began well, Sydney and I even had a chance to meet for lunch, baking went...

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