Thanksgiving Countdown, How to Keep the Kids at the Table

Thanksgiving Countdown, How to Keep the Kids at the Table

Sydney and I were reminiscing Thanksgiving and Christmas’ past, she remembers having to sit through the entire meal, while her cousins and friends were allowed to leave the table to play. Though I strongly disagreed, and thought it was insulting to the host...
Thanksgiving Countdown, The Snack: Orange Spice Cake

Thanksgiving Countdown, The Snack: Orange Spice Cake

Every year on Thanksgiving  I awake early, about 5:00 A.M.  No need to gasp, I go for a five mile run and then meet Sydney in the kitchen for coffee and some breakfast as we write a cooking/baking schedule to guide us during the day and turn on The Today Show (Until...
Thanksgiving Count Down, Cranberry Sauce

Thanksgiving Count Down, Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce, is almost on every Thanksgiving table, it is expected. I remember, the first Thanksgiving I hosted as DF’s wife. I was excited, a little nerves, and meticulously designed a menu. I have to admit I was a tad neurotic, nothing could go wrong, and...
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