What could be better than Canneles than Vanilla Orange flavored Canneles?
Sydney and I had the unexpected fortune to meet the most optimistic person in Colorado, if not the nation. He knew I was a pastry chef and began questioning as where he might buy copper cannelé molds for his girlfriend. (He happens to be vegan, but his girlfriend is a “foodie”). I opened my I-pad, began quickly giving him web addresses to culinary stores. I was writing my fourth web store for him when he admitted she had never had a cannelé, but thought they looked yummy. I suggested before he invested in exquisite copper molds it might be best if he would allow Sydney and I to bake a few for his girlfriend. He immediately agreed.

Your rich deep color is alluring
Cannelés de Bordelais:
The Batter:
- 500 grams/2-cups milk, whole, separated
- 305 grams/ 1 ¼-cups milk in sauce pan
- 195 gram/ ¾ cup milk, reserved at room temperature
- 56 grams/ 1.75 ounces (1/2 stick) butter, cubed
- 50 grams/about 3 egg yolks
- 30 grams/ about 1 whole egg
- 250 grams/ 1¼ sugar
- 125 grams/ 1¼ -cup pastry flour or t45 flour
- 15 grams/1-Tablespoon dark rum
- ½ vanilla pod
- 6 grams lorange zest
- Pinch of salt
- 5 gram / 1-teaspoon vanilla extract
- beeswax, if using copper molds
Prepare your milk mise en place.

Mise en place
Add the milk, vanilla bean, and butter to a medium sauce pan. Set over low heat; heat to 82 degrees C/183 degrees F,(do not allow the milk mixture to boil) Allow the mixture to cool and infuse for 30 minutes.

Vanilla pod added after the photo
Prepare your mise place for the batter.

The orange is a wonderful flavor, but you may substitute for your favorite flavor
Whisk egg yolks, whole egg, and sugar to combined; don’t foam, just mix thoroughly.

Just combine completely
Whisk in the flour to the egg-sugar mixture.

Add the flour, unsifted, all at one time
Add the room temperature milk, vanilla, rum, orange zest and orange essence (about 4 drops).

Whisk as you pour the milk
Whisk in steady stream the heated milk mixture, after removing the vanilla pod.

Keep the warmed milk mixture in a slow steady stream
Strain the batter into a large glass bowl, and stir in rum and vanilla extract; cool to room temperature; cover with plastic film laying on the batter; refrigerate for 24 to 48 hours.

The zest will remain behind, no worries the natural orange flavor has infused
The following day, prepare the cannelés copper molds or use a flexipat. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C/400 degrees F for about 40 minutes before putting the canneles in the oven.
If using traditional cooper molds follow the instruction that accompany the molds.
Once the oven has sufficiently pre-heatd retrieve the cannelé batter from the refrigerator, remove plastic film, and whisk the batter. (The batter might have settled during its nice long nap).
Pour the batter into a measuring jug, for easy control as you pour the batter into the molds, and fill each mold almost to the top; place on the lower rack of the oven. Bake for 45 to 60 minutes, or until cannelés are deep brown in color, or almost black.
Remove to wire cooling rack, if using a flexipat allow the canneles to rest inside the flexipat for 3 minutes, invert, and cool completely.
**Leftover baked cannelés can be frozen up to 1 month; to freeze, wrap individually in plastic wrap; to serve, remove from the freezer; while still frozen, bake unwrapped in 500 degrees F 5 minutes; remove from oven; let rest 30 minutes; bake 5 minutes; remove from oven; cool until exteriors harden.
It has been a pleasure for Sydney and I to help a person who is so upbeat, completely satisfied with life, and genially happy.

Your kindness will come back to you tenfold. These look perfect.
So sweet of you to make these for your friend. You were right though, before going to the expense he should see what they taste like. I am sure after eating though he was sold on these-they look delicious. Now I am ready to buy some molds!
I love the texture they have I thought they were going to be like a normal piece of bread but it looks more like a clafoutis, they look delicious