String-work is favorite go tp cookie decorating technique I love to use at 5th Avenue’s Cookie Art Academy I wanted to push the envelope not only using a cookie for the suspended  string-work, but using a difficult shape. It took a few times before I was satisfied.The inspiration originated as I was watching snowflakes during one of our many snow storms lately. For the majority of this cookie I used #00 seamless nozzle, with exception of the borders on the top of the cookie and the bottom.

Suspended String-Work Snowflake Cookie
Royal Icing Recipe:
GingerBread Cookie Recipe: :
Iced and Dried Cookie
Tipless Bags:
Scribe Tool:
PlaqueCookie Cutter:
Royal Icing Consistencies:
-PPM Consistency
Artist brushes:
#00 PME or Bekenal  nozzle
#0 PME or Bekenal nozzle
Artist Brushes
Tipless Bags
Snowflake cutter or template
Knee-high stocking, or cheese cloth
Small sponge square
4 inch cake dummy or cup
Tilting cake table

Snowflake Design:
You can use a run out royal icing for your snowflake or a fondant snowflake. I suggest if you’re new at string-work use a fondant/gumpaste snowflake, it is less difficult to work with.
Either material will need to dry completely over night. I mentioned I used #00 nozzle for my strings it is perfectly fine to use #0 or #1 if you are more comfortable with a larger nozzle.If you use anything larger it will look too bulky and you won’t achieve the delicate appearance for your extensions. In order for the cookie to come life I had to adjust the application of how I piped the strings. Normally when piping extensions (string-work) you will want to leave only a string width away from the next string. I find on my first execution the strings look crowded, instead follow the shape of the snowflake.

The Set-Up:
Place a 4-inch cake dummy on top of your tilting turn table. Place the cookie on the cake dummy, now carefully centre your sponge square under the snowflake design. The points of the snow flake design needs to line up with the points of the snowflake cookie.

Tips for Success:
1. Have all supplies ready prior to paddling your icing
2.Once you have strained your icing use a clean spatula to place the icing in your cone
3.Have a damp wash rag handy to keep your work station clean
4.Use spirits to dampen your brush, water will weaken your icing
5. Stay calm and breathe while you pipe your extensions|
6. Be sure to rub down your royal icing each time you fill a new cone
7. The nozzles must be seamless.

Watch the Suspended String-Work Snowflake Cookie Art Lesson below and learn how I created the suspended snowflake cookie

Suspended String-Work is an advanced skill, it will take time, patience, and practice to achieve.
Time and Planing:
The day prior:
Create your snowflake design
Bake, cool, and cover you cookie
The piping from beginning the first string to piping the border took 45 minutes.
Happy Cookie Decorating
Bobbie Xoxo
And do follow me on Instagram and TikTok: @bobbiebakes
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