The perfect summer cupcake

We, the entire family, were invited to spend an Old Fashion Fourth of July in Aspen, with some friends. Although due to the fire danger in the mountains the  Annual Fireworks Extravaganza has been canceled, it should still be a fun holiday.  Aspen is known for  celebrating Independence Day on a whimsical twist.  Approximately 20,000 people come together to honor the nation’s birthday in true American style.  Festivities include a parade, U.S. Airforce flyby, concerts, a kid’s bicycle rodeo, and “dancing in the streets.”

Sydney and I offered to bring dessert; at first we thought of designing  “patriotic” cupcakes, but everyone seems to be coloring and decorating in red, white, and blue. Sydney and I thought it would be a refreshing change to use a summer theme instead. We figured we could find another outlet to show our love for this holiday. After careful deliberation we finally baked rose-vanilla cupcakes with half of the cupcakes piped with rosettes and the other half swirled, and both decorative tops could be piped without changing the tip/tube. Any large open star tip such as: Wilton 1M, Sterntüllen gross 11 Grössen, B Prince Open Star Pastry, Ateco 847, or Matfer Bourgeat S/S Star Shapes Pastry Tips will give you the swirl/ rosette result.

Rose-Vanilla Cupcakes/ Mini Cakes:

It is worth investing in open star tips of different sizes.

Prepare your mise en place.

Mise en place


Happy 4th of July!



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