I guess its long over due, Sydney and I both need to take a little time to thank Dennis, my husband/ Sydney’s father. He spends countless hours on the computer organizing the pictures I take of food, plus he helped with the Culinary Calculator. He was the mathematical giant and spent long painstaking days to convert the common measurement into grams for the IPhone, Itouch, and Ipad, plus this app does so much more!
He tastes all the recipes we work on, there are some that have not yet been perfected. However with a smile he eats the food in front of him and always pushes us to keep trying( if he thinks the recipe needs something, if he likes it we are unable to keep up with his demand.)
When many hours later we were back in the kitchen still throwing ideas out on how to create a very special uniquely tasting pound cake, this could not just be like every other pound cake. It had to be personalized to my husband’s taste and it also had to be appealing to guests and friends. We finally, 3 hours later, had a recipe, crystalized ginger, orange zest, and of course the ginger liqueur we had sampled earlier that day. Would my husband like it, well we would have to wait to find out, so we began constructing the first ginger pound cake.
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Your pund cake looks scrumptious
I enjoyed reading your blog & I must congratulate you.. this is a work of art!
The “Thank You Cake” looks great, but you you did not share the recipe. Would you please
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